
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Large Midi & Mini Spomb Bomb overview with CC Moore 18mm boilies

I have used the Spomb since they came out a few years ago. It is funny how a new invention can change how you fish and how much time you spend baiting compared to your older methods. I wanted to go over the capacity of the Spomb because it is always a topic that comes up which one is better the Spod or the Spomb.

Large Spomb Holds 45 18mm CC Moore boilies
Midi Spomb Holds 25 18mm CC Moore boilies
Mini Spomb Holds 11 18mm CC Moore boilies
 When you use a regular spod it can only hold around 20 boilies so for every full size Spomb you put out you are putting out double the amount of boilies than the standard Spod. I think that right there should tell you something.

I go over all of the details in my video above and you can form your own opinion but the Spomb to me hands down does the most efficient job for getting bait out quickly and accurately. If you have any questions drop me a line.