Korda N-trap semi stiff and I like the 20lb breaking strain
We need some shrink tubing to match the hook size
Long Shank Hooks
Rig Rings
Baiting needle
Kettle to shrink the tubing down with steam
Blowback Rig How To For Big Carp Fishing
The Blowback Rig is a very effective rig. Time for another rig tutorial and this one is very easy to learn and only requires a few key components to make the rig. We are going to tie the blowback rig this time around. I have tried a lot of various rigs and I even tried the blowback rig in the past but on my second go around with this I noticed adding the shrink tube really increased my hook up rate. Also a few subtle changes ensure me that the blowback rig would reset itself all the time. Other than the blowback rigs hooking abilities if a fish would eject the rig it also resets itself that way you know your rig is tangle free on the bottom in case a fish should eject it back out.
Step one for the blowback rig starts out like a majority of all rigs do. We get our supplies in order and you can see in the picture below we really do not need a whole lot to make this rig. We need the following supplies.
Now that we have our list of supplies we need the first step is like all other rigs out there. We tie an overhand loop so we can loop on our bait later.
Step two is slide a rig ring down the line and position it where the bend in the hook would start. Usually placing a boilie on the end and measure back will give you the right spot to slide it back to.
With the ring in place form an overhand loop so the ring is in the middle of the loop. Tease it down so the ring is in the perfect place. If you find you positioned it wrong you can always undo the knot and move it to the correct position.
Once the ring is in place and cinched down take the point of the hook and slide it down the ring. Make sure the bend is going towards the boilie like a normal rig would look.
Make sure everything is lined up and simply tie the rest like you would a hair rig. Slide the line down through the eye and then come back with wraps around the shank. I prefer around 5-6 wraps but you can do as many or as little as you like. Wet the line and pull tight and we are ready for the next step.
Take a piece of shrink tube and cut it in half. Slide it up the line and over the knot around the eye of the hook. We want to barely go over the end of the loops so once we shrink it the line will hold tight in place.
Next step if fire up the burner and bring some water to a boil. Once it begins to steam take the rig and steam down the tubing. Keep in mind while it is still hot you want to bend it downwards to create an aggressive turn in the tubing. This will allow for a quicker flip of the hook and some insane holds in the mouth of the carp. Also while you have the kettle steaming take your line and run it over the steam. This will take away any memory in the line from being wound around the spool. Go back and forth a few times and your line will be perfectly straight now and ready for action.
The final step is tie and overhand loop or figure of eight knot and attach it to your main line. You are now ready to go land some monsters! This rig is very easy to tie and only requires a few materials to make it happen. Your catch rate improvement will be very noticeable to say the least. I know I was quite surprised when I started to land more fish on this rig.
Hope you enjoyed this rig article. I will be having plenty more in the near future so you can face any situation that comes up while carp fishing.
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